Massage Therapy by Jessica B.
Professional Licensed & Certified Massage Therapy

Policies & Waivers

This is a preview/copy of what you'll sign when you come in for your first appointment.




Please read and sign:

  • I understand that today’s services are not a substitute for medical care and that my therapist is not qualified to diagnose physical/mental illness.


  • I affirm that I have notified my therapist of all known medical conditions and injuries.


  • I agree to inform the therapist of any changes in my health and medical condition and that there shall be no liability on the therapist’s part should I forget to do so.


  • By signing this release, I waive and release my therapist from any liability, past present, and future, relating to massage therapy and bodywork.



Signature:                                                                                                                                        Date:






Please read and sign:

  • Same-day cancellations: I understand that for future appointments, I will be charged a half-price late cancel fee for canceling the same day as the appointment day and that I will be emailed an invoice.


  • Changing appointment length: I understand that if I shorten the length of my appointment after the initial booking (eg. Switching from a 90 min appointment to a 60 min appointment) then I will still be charged the original price.



Signature:                                                                                                                                        Date: